Tuesday, Jul 20, 2004 1:54 PM |
The tour of Microsoft Research continues. In this
visit you get taken into the VIBE group (Visualization, Interaction, Business and
Entertainment). Think large screens. Multiple screens. There you'll
meet Patrick Baudisch, researcher, who'll show you through the lab and
give you some cool software that is designed to help with large and
multiple monitors. Other people you'll meet in this video: Greg
Smith Duke Hutchins Bongshin Lee
It Does.
MSN: lopovmecka@msn.com Yahoo: stevanveselinovic |
Tuesday, Jul 20, 2004 3:30 PM |
Holy crap! Wow! Thanks alot for
the video guys! That dragging part rocks! good bye mouse! Do any of you
here on channel9 from MS use that in your offices?
You guys
releasing that group art project anytime soon? It would be great to
use it at this time. By the way, the video got cut off before I
could see the last group. :( Another great one!!! MS research
seems really exciting...!!!
Tuesday, Jul 20, 2004 3:30 PM |
Awesome. Where is the second video?? :)
Tuesday, Jul 20, 2004 3:36 PM |
Actually, there are five videos that I did. This was
the fourth. The fifth is coming tomorrow. Tomorrow I'll link to all five
Tuesday, Jul 20, 2004 3:59 PM |
I love that shortcut thingy for the big screen. I'm not so sure about
the other two, they look kind of experimental.
Good video! :)
Tuesday, Jul 20, 2004 4:06 PM |
cool, I liked the drag part the most
Wednesday, Jul 21, 2004 12:17 AM |
The last one was very interesting, because it's better
than using virtual desktops such as linux or Nvidia ones, because you
can restore environment you used a few days ago. So i don't think this
sort of tool is only experimental, it can become very useful when you work
on different stuff every day.
Wednesday, Jul 21, 2004 1:08 AM |
I'm from Russia. If Channel9 Team 'd
like to show this video not only in US/UK/Canada, Microsoft translaters
should have a work. =)
Thank you for this website.
Wednesday, Jul 21, 2004 2:58 AM |
Very cool video.. glad to see some of the innovative
forces behind the next gen MS UI products. MS has in some cases shocked
the industry (ala optical mouse) and it is a great feather in yourn cap to
continue that trend. Thanks for giving us an inside view on it.
MSN: julian@juliankay.com |
Wednesday, Jul 21, 2004 4:21 AM |
Great! I was just saying on my blog the other day how
great VIBE's stuff is.
*claps for the vibe team*
Wednesday, Jul 21, 2004 8:40 AM |
I love these unedited walkabouts of labs. You bump into interesting
people all over around there.
Can't wait for part 5.
Outsourcing Sucks
MSN: yes ICQ#: no Yahoo: no AIM: no |
Wednesday, Jul 21, 2004 9:00 AM |
That task based window grouping would be so awesome at
Wednesday, Jul 21, 2004 10:13 AM |
I've been saying for ages that we should have
more control over the grouping and arrangement on buttons on the taskbar
(drag drop rearrangement, break apart auto grouping on demand), but
this goes far further than I'd even imagined!
So, for me, the
most interesting part of that demo was the 'groupbar', but the
elastic pick and pop style interface looked cool - though I wonder how
useful it would be in real world situations with windows scattered across
your desktop (as is likely in multiscreen setups - like mine right now ;)
). Also, to be honest, the 'sticky note' style interface didn't look
very useful, I'm constantly clearing clutter off my desktop
But really, I would love that groupbar
functionality integrated into my XP taskbar right now; though I
imagine the earliest we'll see it in production is with
Longhorn. Then again this sounds like a Sourceforge project waiting to
Wednesday, Jul 21, 2004 12:27 PM |
[quote user="The Channel 9 Team"]Actually, there are
five videos that I did. This was the fourth. The fifth is coming tomorrow.
Tomorrow I'll link to all five again.[/quote] How soon? :)
the video guy
MSN: robertscoble@hotmail.com |
Wednesday, Jul 21, 2004 2:10 PM |
It'll be up in a few minutes.
Wednesday, Jul 21, 2004 8:25 PM |
The thing where the window shrinks down into a
thumbnail on the desktop instead of to the taskbar ("scalable fabric"?) -
isn't there something like that in the latest Mac OSX?
As for the
dragable taskbar - I've wanted to drag the buttons on the taskbar since
the Win95 days. I thought we might have got it in Win2k as you could
drag start menu items and quicklaunch buttons, but still no taskbar button
And the thing to save and restore app windows -
Borland had a program called Dashboard for win3.1 back in 93/94 that did
just that (among other things). It suffered from the program though that
asside from the cranky old OLE compound document interfaces, there is no
standard way to get an application to persist the state of it's user
interface in Windows (or any other OS I'm aware of). Sure we can see what
programs are running, save their window sizes/locations and try to work
out for certain common apps what documents are loaded, but as a general
purpose solution it's a bit of a pipe-dream.
MSN: svssudhakar@hotmail.com Yahoo: svsmart2000@yahoo.com |
Thursday, Jul 22, 2004 6:37 AM |
Cool Spider Man trick ;-) amazing...Kudos to
The Channel 9 Team wrote:
The tour of Microsoft Research continues. In this visit you get
taken into the VIBE group (Visualization, Interaction, Business
and Entertainment).
Think large screens. Multiple screens.
There you'll meet Patrick Baudisch, researcher, who'll show you
through the lab and give you some cool software that is designed
to help with large and multiple monitors.
Other people
you'll meet in this video: Greg Smith Duke
Hutchins Bongshin Lee |
Thursday, Jul 22, 2004 9:06 AM |
Cool Spider Man trick
;-) amazing...Kudos to MSR...
That is genius
! - it's not the "drag and pop effect" (boooring), it's the
"Spidey drag" !!
Writing this on the Tablet PC I can see how
useful that feature could be.
Thursday, Jul 22, 2004 12:31 PM |
The "snapshot" feature for GroupBar. Tasked based work is a huge part of
my daily routine, and I am constantly switching. Even if I did have to
close all the apps out and restart everything it would be better then how
I do it now. I'm not entirely sure about the GroupBar itself, but I
haven't used it, and I can see how it might be useful, but I'm primarily
interested in the snapshot feature.
rhm wrote:
And the thing to save and restore app windows ... there is no
standard way to get an application to persist the state of it's
user interface in Windows (or any other OS I'm aware of). Sure we
can see what programs are running, save their window
sizes/locations and try to work out for certain common apps what
documents are loaded, but as a general purpose solution it's a bit
of a pipe-dream.
| rhm
makes a good point though, if you were able to save the state of an app
that would be HUGE! Just like the hibernate feature in windows, if we
could do that for individual apps that would make it even better to switch
between tasks you were in the middle of and didn't want to take the time
to save everything then all the time to open everything back up and
remember where you left off again.
Thursday, Jul 22, 2004 1:47 PM |
Add some form of rubber-band spring back animation and
you've a sure winner. Right now, trivial though it may be, it's a little
dissapointing that the icon and band just dissapear like that.
Thursday, Jul 22, 2004 7:31 PM |
When using group art, does Alt
Tab also show groups and/or let you manage them? Some sort of full
screen mode for this would be great for the people who open many
of a retired stiff
Friday, Jul 23, 2004 1:57 PM |
While the demos were interesting, to me, the most
valuable part of this video was Kevin talking at the end about the need to
share the work in research with others. That is the scientific method at
work. Long may it continue.
a coder learning the ways of the Developer.
MSN: joshua@hayworth.com |
Friday, Jul 23, 2004 4:20 PM |
I can't wait until some of this stuff gets
Imagine having 3 monitors hooked up to one desktop.
The first 2 would be the traditional side-by-side dual monitor
configuration and the third being the massive wall-like
You could have a pen device similar to the one used for
Tablet PC's.
Instant Whiteboard! Only MUCH more
flexible. The wall could be a huge version of OneNote or Visio for
Enterprise Architects. I could do all my UML in a design meeting and
SAVE it instead of transcribing from my legal pad sheets.
going! This stuff is awesome!
a coder learning the ways of the Developer.
MSN: joshua@hayworth.com |
Friday, Jul 23, 2004 4:22 PM |
How difficult would it be to do the glove devices as
seen in "Minority Report"? and integrate it with the massive wall
Friday, Jul 23, 2004 10:53 PM |
The last example of the group bar really caught my attention -
I showed it to a few of my close friends and they just went 'Wow! I want
We did a bit of on-the-spot brain storming and decided it
would be cool to use the idea's behind the group bar + the concepts shown
in the next media groups video (http://channel9.msdn.com/ShowPost.aspx?PostID=14275).
We decided that windows-tab was a useless key combo,
and that it instead should turn all open windows into thumbnails, like in
the media browser. From there, you can either click on an application to
bring it to the front, or you can .. drag it to a group (known as a bin in
media browser - just sounds a bit funny when dealing with applications).
Once that is done, the group is automatically assigned a colour (just as
in the group bar.. but you can also assign a more meaningful name) ..
You can then drag other applications into its group.
between groups is then just a matter of pressing windows-tab (tapping tab
switches groups, holding tab down (no tapping) keeps the group bar
up (not really a bar now is it ;)).
I also think this would
work well for those who massively multi-task, and would display many
applications well, just as media browser displays many photo's
(as a final note, just as you can display all photos in media
browser, you could also display all applications (no group\colour
filtering), and thus it would also work as another form of
alt-tab. -----
Going off on a tangent now, the ability to
rehydrate applications ... umm, is it possible to have windows always load
off a hibernation file? If you used a *fresh* hibernation file (i mean
hibernating windows as soon as it has just finished start up, and then
booting off that file always (except when a restart is needed)) to reduce
start up time, and then rehydrating apps so you would have many of the
benefits of hibernation (short start up and working from where you
I guess with longhorn, and its push for two power states,
hibernation will be come increasingly more common, so that kind of thing
would have very little value.
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